
12 year old jumps off overpass
12 year old jumps off overpass

12 year old jumps off overpass

Virtually all traffic stopped for the body. I was one of the first cars to drive around. What has happened to the supposedly friendly midwest that this might be OK'd by many people?! I cannot believe anyone there would have driven around a body in the road.

12 year old jumps off overpass

Are humans worth so little now? I was recently in Boston and although their roads are considered treacherous, my last minute lane changes and uncertain turns were not ever met with a horn. I cannot express enough shock about people first on the scene who thought it was OK to just drive around the victim. You stop, and then you get out of your vehicle to an area where you will not be injured yourself if there is nothing you can do or know what to do for the victim. That is why you stop - to prevent mutilation of a corpse via your vehicle or another vehicle, even if you have no medical training whatsoever. (I called 911.) I was horrified by that and haunted for a very long time about what I might have felt if it had been a human. Why should you stop if you have no medical training and no one else has stopped?! So the body of a potentially living human being is not run over!!! A few years back I was driving back from dropping someone off at the airport at about 6AM in heavy fog and only realized there was a prone deer in my lane moments before I ran over it. I cannot believe some of the comments here. Do I have the moral high ground if I cried? Am I lesser if I did not? How long should I mourn, simply because I was there? Am I required to mourn at all for someone I did not know, whose death I happened upon? I suspect that those who have commented have had other experiences with tragedy and then also know that there is quite a wide range of human reactions to events such as these. Casting aspersions on your neighbors over this tragedy is just adding more tragedy. This mans life essentially ended as soon as he hit the pavement and I suspect any doctor would agree that the damage was far too great for anyone to save him, no matter who was there. Had a different accident occurred on this site that needed many hands I have little doubt that all of you would have stopped and lent a hand as you could say an accident that needed help evacuating people and escorting them to safety, or something similar. Even the police and firemen first on the scene could do little for this man. It was clear with one brief look that only trained medical professionals could help in this instance if help was even possible at that point. I strongly doubt that even one medically trained individual kept driving. I would guess that many of those that kept going did what they could and called 911 reporting the incident to the police even though they would have suspected that others had already done that too.

12 year old jumps off overpass

Once there were people on site others chose to continue and probably with good reason those that drove on could not help this man. The person who came upon this scene first, stopped as I would guess everyone else would have done had they been the first car down the road whether they had kids in the car or not.

12 year old jumps off overpass

What I read above is so filled with blame and scorn and most of it is self-centered and, in my opinion, wrong. It is a reminder to me that the many things we surround ourselves with, friends, family, objects, can be taken away suddenly. For me this event made me stop and think about the fragility of life and how someone who can appear to be normal or even happy may very well be tormented and miserable. Even more unfortunate is that the public setting included young children, in the vehicles, at the school, and on the bridge. This is a sad and tragic event made more so by being played out in a public setting. I am really disappointed by what I am reading here.

12 year old jumps off overpass