
Adobe dimension 3d models
Adobe dimension 3d models

adobe dimension 3d models

So, that is how you would bring in materials.


Some of these materials are not free, some are, so you just have to look through the ones that are free or you can purchase a different look for the 3D model.

adobe dimension 3d models

Just click and drag them, and there's a whole bunch of them that you could, that are free with Adobe Dimension or, as you saw earlier, you can go into Adobe stock and then click on 3D content and look for materials. But yeah, adding materials is very simple.

adobe dimension 3d models

Image that you.either a photograph that you shot or a stock photo and that will become a light for the scene and I'll show you how that looks like in a second. If I click and drag that into the scene, you should notice how now the can is reflecting the light that I dragged in there. So, for example, one that would really show off what's going on is this studio color stage. So, we also have lights and we're not gonna talk about lights a lot in this course but I could apply a different lighting to this scene. So I'm just gonna apply the metal one again. I can also give it a different look, for example maybe this glitter effect or this gelatin effect. So for example, on this one here called metal, I can click and drag it into the can and now that can will have a metallic look to it. These are the materials that give your 3D model a look. I just want to point out that you can filter 3D objects by category, so we have the models, which we've already looked at. We've already looked at the content panel here. Adding Materials and Decals to 3D Models in Dimension

Adobe dimension 3d models