
Readkit 2 5 1
Readkit 2 5 1

readkit 2 5 1

readkit 2 5 1

Source: extracted file from submission : ReadKit. Mach-O symbol: _$sSo7NSTi merC10Foun dationE14T imerPublis herC7Combi ne011Conne ctableD0AC Mc String found in binary or memory: w. m/appleca/ 0Ĭontains symbols with suspicious names likely related to networking Source: extracted file from submission : ReadKit. Source: ReadKit, A ppKitPlugi n, ReadLat erExtensio n, SafariE xtension, receipt String found in binary or memory: w. m/DTDs/Pro pertyList- 1.0.dtd String found in binary or memory: / readkit String found in binary or memory: adkit.apph ttps://twi /r eadkithear t.text.squ arehttps:/ /apps.appl e.com/app/ id16157980 String found in binary or memory: adkit.app/ terms-of-u se/itms-ap ps://buy.i tunes.appl e.com/WebO bjects/MZF inance.woa /wa/manage String found in binary or memory: adkit.app/ terms-of-u se/ String found in binary or memory: adkit.app/ terms-of-u se String found in binary or memory: adkit.app/ support String found in binary or memory: adkit.app/ privacy String found in binary or memory: adkit.app/ help String found in binary or memory: adkit.app String found in binary or memory: /s cinfu/Swif tSoup/blob /master/LI CENSE String found in binary or memory: /o nmyway133/ SwiftHash/ blob/maste r/LICENSE.

Readkit 2 5 1 license#

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readkit 2 5 1

String found in binary or memory: /O AuthSwift/ OAuthSwift /blob/mast er/LICENSE String found in binary or memory: /J anGorman/A grume/blob /master/LI CENSE String found in binary or memory: /A lamofire/A lamofire/b lob/master /LICENSE String found in binary or memory: ps.apple.c om/app/id1 615798039? mt=8&actio n=write-re view String found in binary or memory: p. m/ocsp03-w wdr080 Source: ReadKit, A ppKitPlugi n, ReadLat erExtensio n, SafariE xtension String found in binary or memory: p. m/ocsp03-w wdr040 String found in binary or memory: hub.com/Ar tSabintsev /Siren URLs found in memory or binary data Source: ReadKit, A ppKitPlugi n, ReadLat erExtensio n, SafariE xtension, receipt

Readkit 2 5 1